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China, Japan and Korea (Rep.) unite in a new EMS Twinning Project

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In January 2024, China Post, Japan Post and Korea Post signed a new three-party EMS Twinning project and work is underway.

EMS logo twinning and flags of China, Japan and Korea (Rep)

All members of the EMS Cooperative work together to provide a global express network but this twinning project will take cooperation a step further by strengthening the partnership between the three key-trade lane EMS operators: China (People's Rep.), Japan and Korea (Rep.)

EMS Twinning is a proven way to improve EMS for customers. Targeting improvements in key-trade lanes benefits the twinning partners but also boosts performance for the entire EMS network.
The significance of the 2024 China, Japan and Korea EMS Twinning project cannot be underestimated, as they are the top three exporters in the EMS network. Following the signing of the agreement early in 2024, the project is now underway with the first meeting in March setting out the project activities and workplan. Looking forward, the partners aim to all take part in visits to the Post Headquarters and main offices of exchange.

The Asia Pacific region has a longstanding history of collaboration, the very first EMS twinning projects started in 2016 and between China and Japan. Inspired by this pioneering success, four other twinning projects were established between other trading lanes in Asia Pacific, the Arab region, Europe and Latin America. 

The announcement of this new 2024 three-way twinning between China, Japan and Korea is a significant step for the EMS network. The new round of twinning collaborations promises to provide a robust framework that will help improve the EMS service between operators.